I apologize to those of you who visit Addi's site frequently. Not only have I been sick but so busy that I can't seem to get to the computer to put new pics and info on here! I know that you all know what I'm talking about :) So...here is what has been going on the last month. Addison's blood in her "poo" was nothing! Yahoo...a positive test result. You can't beat that. She has been sick lately but just congestion, cough and lots of snot! She is acting much better now.
Her poor babysitter has had a time with her family and keeping them healthy. She has been home battling the yukies! We miss her very much! Because she has the sickies at her house Addi's Papaw (my dad) has stepped up to the plate and has been the Nanny we all new he could be for the last 5 days! Go Papaw! He is having a wonderful time bonding with little Addi. I will have to say she adores her Papaw.
Pretty soon Addi will be having surgery on her tear ducts. They have been very clogged since she was born. I kept putting off this procedure since it was one more thing that Addison had to go through. I was hoping that she would out grow it like most kiddos do. But, no, she hasn't been lucky in that area. We are waiting on the call for that date.
Yesterday we went to see the Audiologist about her hearing. We are going to get the Baha sound processor. It is actually a very cool, little device! Here is the website if you are interested www.cochlear.com I'm excited about it. Still a little scary as is anything new and unfamiliar. I will admit I did some crying and a little self pity...but as my mom always says..."it could be worse." I am just happy that she will be able to hear!
So that is it for now...I promise I will do my best to put up new pics...also I love the comments everyone has been leaving. I will try harder to visit those sites regularly and add my comments. I'm so excited that moms of children with CdLS have found Addi's blog and visit! You all are in my thoughts and I get excited to hear from each of you!
Christmas 2013
11 years ago
Glad to hear you and Addison are feeling better. It sounds like things are going pretty good ~ yay for Papaw! Joey had a tear duct probe done in January but unfortunately I don't think it worked to well. His left eye stil gets mattery and waters a lot. Checking in with the eye doc is on my To Do list! Thanks for the update!
Good to see another post! It sounds like you have been busy. I'm interested in how the coclear implant device is tolerated.
We haven't seen an eye doctor yet. I'm not looking forward to what information they will have for us!
I hope you have a great day!
I'm sure Papaw is an incredible Manny!
I'm also so glad to hear about the cochlear hearing device! My mom forwarded your note with the amazing turtle story in it. Such a great message. I hope this device let's Addi hear you say "I love you!".
thinking of you!
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